Your school and the Geography K–10 Syllabus

Teaching geography is like teaching a foreign language. You have to teach words (facts and images about places), grammar (geographic theories and concepts), and narratives (opinions and value judgements about geographic issues) more or less at the same time.
Gersmehl, 2005, p. 46.

A critical geography needs to engage with the everyday practices of all of us who live in the places that we do; it needs to focus on the needs and interests of the poor and the underprivileged; it remains a very modern enterprise, retaining a belief that it is possible to make the world a 'better' place.
Unwin, 2000, p. 25.

The Course completion checklist will help you make sure you’ve completed everything in this course, including the course deliverable: a short geographical inquiry for the stage you were referencing during the course.

Use the checklist to show your supervisor the work you have done in order for you to gain accreditation in the course.

In order for teachers accredited at Proficient to have these hours added to their professional learning log with BOSTES, the principal or delegate must have:

  1. Scheduled an event against this course on My PL@Edu. Include the Developer of the course as the Manage Event Support Person. For information on scheduling an event, see the tutorials on My PL@Edu website.

  2. Evaluated deliverables whilst ensuring the level of detail required to complete the activities and deliverables remains in proportion to the time allocated for the course. Supervisors should not interpret requirements in a way that creates excessive demands on the teacher.

  3. Ensured teachers’ learning is verified on My PL@Edu.