Our days at EduTECH 2017 
NSW Public Schools were well represented at EduTECH (8-9 June) with a giant Futures Learning Space showcasing innovation driving change in teaching and learning through the use of multiple technologies. Our stand provided a hands-on, real world interactive sandpit to challenge and inspire pathways to a future-focused educational reality. With more than 8,000 attendees from across the globe, we took the opportunity to highlight the exciting things happening in our schools across seven core experiences. The impact of our Futures Learning Space at EduTECH was clearly positive and engaging and the team looks forward to expanding our presence in 2018.
Chromebook pilot update 
In our previous issue we announced the Chromebook enrolment pilot which is now complete. The pilot tested an option recommended by Google that creates and stores local user profiles on each Chromebook. This option has advantages and disadvantages for schools to consider:
- If a student uses a Chromebook on which they previously setup their user profile, logging on is extremely quick and easy - click your photo on the logon screen and enter your DoE password. The single authentication gets you into all aspects of G Suite and you can start working right away.
- The initial setup of a user profile requires a few steps and only 18 separate user profiles per Chromebook can be stored. This means always using the same Chromebook to avoid having to recreate your user profile each time.
Storing local user profiles benefits schools that have enough Chromebooks to allow for better than one Chromebook per 18 students and can manage the allocation of Chromebooks with their classes. Evaluations from pilot schools have been received and some have indicated a preference for Public Sessions instead of local user profiles. We continue to work with Google and hope to provide a further update in early term 3.
Citrix Receiver client 
Any new computers introduced to your school that need access to OASIS, EBS4 or SAP GUI will need to install the approved and supported Citrix client. Citrix Receiver v14.3 is available for eT4L Schools for easy deployment to eT4L desktops, laptops and tablets using the Universal Desktop Manager (UDM) tool. For the small number of schools not yet migrated to eT4L services, the installation of Citrix Receiver must be performed manually. Installations on Apple OSX devices must also be completed manually. Full instructions are available at the Citrix Receiver Installation site.
Apple Macbook changes 
With recent product announcements at their World Wide Developers Conference in the U.S., Apple have requested the department remove purchasing information for the current Macbooks in the standard devices for schools. New versions of the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro 13 inch will be tested before they are placed back on the list for discretionary purchase. Other announcements include price drops for the 21.5 inch iMac desktop and the Mac Mini, which we recommend for use as an Apple Caching server.
Google's free Toontastic 3D app 
Not many apps these days have the holy grail of desired characteristics: 1. FREE - 2. No ads - 3. No in-app purchases.
But Toontastic 3D does! This iPad and Android app lets students turn their brilliant ideas into 3D cartoons. You can give students a creative outlet while teaching them the basics of a story arc and plot points (setup, conflict, challenge, climax, and resolution) and explore each point in more detail. Each scene can record up to 60 seconds of voice narration and movement. The last step is to add an appropriate musical score. Once finished, story pieces are put together in a single animated video. It may take some trial and error to get the hang of the different ways to customise a story, but the basics of dragging and moving characters around while narrating a story are easy. Learning about all features is left mostly to experimentation, but most aspects are very intuitive.
School Servers (RDS) update 
As advised in our previous issue, the new RDS service via the staff portal was deployed on 2 June. Unfortunately, Oracle released a new version of their Java SE Runtime Environment a few days prior and it was incompatible with the new RDS service. Any user that updated their Java client found that RDS stopped working. We provided advice about this to affected schools and offered a workaround. The issue was promptly reported to F5 Networks, the developers of the new RDS product, who acknowledged the issue and released a hotfix for our RDS service. The hotfix underwent testing and will be deployed before school on Thursday 22 June. This will work with the newest and previous versions of Java.
Free Adobe webinar this Friday 
If you have a spare 45 minutes at 11am on Friday 23 June, Adobe and their training partner, Learning Plan are presenting a free Webinar. They'll be demonstrating the new Adobe Captivate 2017 as well as the newest versions of Presenter and Presenter Video Express. The session will be run via Adobe Connect, so all you need is a computer with speakers or headphones. To attend and get details for joining the webinar, you need to register first. If you've never had the chance to see how you might be able to use these great tools in your teaching, these quick demonstrations might just stir your creative thinking.