The learner and the new curriculum


The diversity of learners

Click on play to view facts and figures about the diversity of learners in NSW public schools (2011).

Are there any statistics that surprise you? Why or why not? Any one learner can have a range of backgrounds.

You need to have the Flash Player installed and javascript enabled in your browser in order to view the activity.

Text version (.pdf 252kB)

Every student …

  • has unique abilities and potential

  • has needs shaped by background

  • is entitled to learning across the curriculum

  • needs teachers to cater for abilities

  • needs teachers to have high expectations

Photo of a female student

The links below provide more information about particular learning needs. The Department of Education and Communities provides a range of additional support in this area, including additional DEC Institute Registered professional learning courses, other resources and suggestions for further learning.

Optionally, engage with the sample units of learning, other resources and suggestions for further professional learning listed below.

Internet icon

Reading icon

Activity icon

This activity may be completed individually or as a group.

Think about the profile of the students in your classroom. Consider student background, abilities, interests and motivations.

How are you addressing the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

Complete this interactive PDF (.pdf 110kB).

Indicative time: 15 minutes

What is this tab about?

This tab provides an animation showing statistics on the diversity that exists across NSW schools. You may pause or rewind the animation at any time if there is an area you would like to discuss in more detail. This tab also emphasises the entitlements of all students in NSW public schools. There are also links provided for further professional learning and policy documents.


  1. Watch and discuss the diversity animation. This “wheel” provides the opportunity for participants to engage in rich discussion about the diversity in our schools and how it relates to their school context.

  2. Discuss the entitlements of all students in NSW public schools in the “Every student” tab.

  3. Draw attention to the links provided in the “Every student” tab. These may be explored at a later time as an extension activity.

Completing activity 3: Diversity

This activity provides the opportunity for participants to share good practice.

Participants should first write one or two sentences on the PDF individually, then come together to discuss their ideas.