Syllabus bites Exploring Asia-related texts

Stage 5

Texts for Stage 5

Japan Diary by Trudy White presents two diaries–one by a Japanese exchange student in Australia and the other by an Australian student in Japan.

Marrying Ameera (.pdf 224kB) by Roseanne Hawke focuses on a Pakistani Australian girl and explores arranged marriages.

Unpolished Gem (.pdf 78kB) is Alice Pung’s memoir about her family’s experiences as Chinese-Cambodian immigrants settling into their new life in Melbourne.

Alice Pung talks about how her experiences as the child of immigrant parents led her to become a writer in Writers talk videos.

Photographs in the Mud by Diane Wolfer is a book of photographs that presents the story of the Kokoda trail from the point of view of an Australian soldier and a Japanese soldier.

Hey Joe by Michael Hyde recalls the Vietnam War period and also provides insights into contemporary Vietnam.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee combines a love story, martial arts and a sacred sword quest.

Slumdog Millionaire directed by Danny Boyle is the rags-to-riches story of a teenager who grew up in the slums of Mumbai and who wins the grand prize on a TV quiz show.