Investigation reports
Investigation reports
An investigation report is really a composite text. It starts with a statement of the AIM which is really just a re-wording of the original hypothesis for example, Hypothesis: drinking a sport drink will improve performance in a beep test, AIM: to find out whether performance in a beep test is improved after drinking a sport drink. The METHOD is an example of a procedural text – where equipment is listed and the steps listed. Diagrams are frequently used to clarify the set-up of equipment. RESULTS are usually expressed in a table and graphed (see the section – Processing Analysing and Concluding) or as a report and the CONCLUSION may contain the explanation. More sophisticated investigation reports will include a discussion/justification (exposition or discussion text types) of the method. This may include suggestions about how the investigation could be made more valid or reliable. For example, inconsistency in results may be due to the many variables that cannot be controlled when working with humans as subjects in an investigation or human error.
View the work sample on the Board of Studies ARC web site including a procedure for filtering muddy water.