2019 T4L Awards now open! 
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the NSW Department of Education - Stephen Loquet, is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 T4L Awards! These awards will recognise and celebrate leading and innovative practice in the use of technology by a NSW public school. Leading schools in each of the areas will not only be inspiring and leading change in their school community, but will also be leading or participating in online and physical communities of practice that develop the skills of the profession and inspire organisation-wide change. A total of ten different awards reflect the wide variety of ways ICTs are being used to make a difference in schools today in teaching, learning and school administration. The criteria for each award, full details and important dates are at the T4L Awards website. Is there something really special with ICTs happening at your school? Nominate for the awards today!
eT4L 2018/19 Apple Mac builds 
During 2018, with the launch of new Apple desktops and laptops and the release of MacOS High Sierra and Mojave, the eT4L-standard netboot process of building devices was no longer possible. All brand new Apple computer models on DoE contract will now need to use this out-of-the-box guide. It covers the 2018/19 models including:
- iMac (all sizes)
- Macbook Air
- MacBook Pro
- Mac Mini (to be used as a desktop)
NOTES: These instructions cannot be used to build an Apple Caching Server. The solution for this is still being finalised. Existing eT4L Macs - prior to 2018/19 should continue to be refreshed using the netboot instructions.
The T4L Show - episode 4 
We're back with our first episode for another year and we are looking forward to bringing schools an easily-consumable ed-tech show that's worthy of your valuable time. We've revamped our format and included several new members of the T4L team as presenters. The whole show is broken up into multiple bite-sized segments that you can jump straight into using the timestamp links in the video info section. So take a look, add some comments, like, share and subscribe to get notified of new videos on our T4L TV channel as soon as they are published!
Staff logon changes coming 
An important change for staff logon will soon occur, to simplify and minimise the need for multiple logons. In the coming months, as NSW DoE:
- expands its use of cloud based services
- reduces complexity across systems
- aligns with industry standards
- provides further Single Sign On experiences,
the logon details for staff will change to use their DoE email address (eg Joe.Bloggs2@det.nsw.edu.au). This change will:
- allow Single Sign On to Outlook (for those enabled), and O365 Client Apps including OneDrive and Teams
- allow DoE to move to Exchange online and consume other cloud services
- allow Office 365 to run at its full potential with integrated messaging.
As updates are provided, they will be posted on the project website. Students are not affected and there will be no change to the way students log on to services.
You need to get to interactED! 
It's back, bigger and better with one event in Term 1 (Wagga Wagga) and THREE in Term 2! ITD and our partners are presenting a tech roadshow in various centres across New South Wales. Supporting school-wide change in the effective utilisation of technologies, interactED is guiding leaders, empowering teachers and assisting administrators while providing valuable networking opportunities. Book a place for yourself and your staff at your nearest interactED event!
Too many Yammer emails? 
The department's Yammer service is a vibrant and effective professional networking tool where thousands of DoE staff go to ask questions, provide answers, share experiences and keep up to date about many aspects of their work. For many years now, it's evolved into a repository of corporate knowledge that's easily searchable, with valuable past discussions and linked resources easily accessed. For those who like to learn in a dynamic social, but professional environment, it's an ideal community ready for new members. But many who jump in for the first time are turned off by the Yammer notification emails that start appearing in their inbox. Because our Yammer service is a busy place with lots of activity and the default setting for email notifications for users is set to ON, it's going to generate these notifications automatically for users - but it's an easy fix. Just follow the steps below to eliminate or at least minimise the emails you receive from Yammer.