The Geometer's Warehouse
- Stage 4
- MA4-17MG Properties of geometrical figures
- Congruency
- Quadrilaterals 1
- Quadrilaterals 2
- Similarity
- Triangles
- MA4-18MG Angle relationships
- Angles associated with transversals
- Angles at a point
- Stage 5
- MA5.1-11MG Properties of geometrical figures
- MA5.2-14MG Properties of geometrical figures
- Convex polygons
- Quadrilaterals
- MA5.3-15MG Trigonometry and Pythagoras' Theorem
- MA5.3-16MG Properties of geometrical figures
- Quadrilaterals
- Triangles 1
- Triangles 2
- MA5.3-17MG Circle Geometry
- Angle properties
- Chord properties
- Tangent and secant properties