T4L Rollout update 
Thanks to all schools that promptly lodged their requests for the 2020-2021 T4L Rollout using the online ordering portal. Ordering closed at the end of Week 8 and we are finalising the processing of orders. We'll then work with vendors to deliver your orders, which depending on the device, we'll see shipping commence very shortly and should be completing by the end of Week 3, Term 2. Couriers have been contracted to deliver to your school and are to unload into the school's nominated location. When taking delivery of your order, we would appreciate your assistance to:
- Count the boxes and sign only for goods that have actually been received
- Take note of boxes or items that are damaged on delivery.
Take a photo of any damaged boxes and note which box(es) have damage on the delivery docket. If the damage is concerning, you can refuse delivery of those boxes.- Report all concerns relating to delivery of your T4L Rollout order to T4L@det.nsw.edu.au - including any photos taken.
- Sign the consignment or delivery note (POD) and legibly print the receiver’s name to help us with tracking issues
Minecraft:EE licences required 
In term 3 last year, we announced that for a limited time, Minecraft: Education Edition (M:EE) was generally available to any teacher that wanted to use it with their students without the need to request a licence. This was in response to the global challenges of learning from home in 2020. Microsoft has now advised that from 1 April, 2021, that each school wishing to use M:EE will again need licences allocated to each individual user. It is recommended that one teacher requests licences for themselves, for other teachers and targeted students at their school. Because the available pool of licences is limited, please only request licences for students that will be using MEE for programmed school work. Allocated licences that are not used regularly, will be automatically revoked and returned to the licence pool for others to access.
Week 9 T4L PL opportunities! 
To finish off Term 1 with a quick learning hit, the T4L team has some super-engaging and exciting free PL on offer, before or after school! Let’s countdown our top three!
- 3: On Tuesday (tomorrow!), join the T4L Google team to learn the ins and outs of Google Slides and follow it up on Thursday as the Adobe team introduce you to creating eBooks with InDesign!
- 2: On Wednesday, get your student prototyping solutions to the UN Global Goals with micro:bit and the global ‘do your :bit’ challenge.
- 1: On Thursday, let your hair down and celebrate ‘Thank Goodness It’s almost Friday’ - where the T4L, Google teams and you (yes you) share their most awesome Googly tips and tricks!
Remember to regularly check the T4L team events page for loads of STEM training sessions, with all things from robotics to filmmaking and so much more!
SketchUp Pro 2021 for home use 
While NSW DoE offers SketchUp Pro via the eT4L Software Catalogue and UDM, for deployment to school-owned computers, that product is not covered for a work-at-home licence for teachers or students. Further, school-owned computers using the DoE licence will not work outside of school. But many high schools don't know that Trimble, the developers of SketchUp Pro have extended the availability of the full product to both teachers and students for installation on BYO (personal) devices. They have shared new temporary licence keys that will activate the product for use from anywhere, for both the new 2021 and 2020 versions of SketchUp Pro. These keys will expire on July 1, 2021 and the software will cease to work at that time. Full details of how students and staff can access this professional software can be found in this announcement on Yammer.
Harmony and Progress 
Central Sydney Intensive English High School is a stand alone high school that provides Intensive English Programs to new arrivals to Australia through different KLAs. As a newly built school, it has the ability and capacity to be a leader of innovative technologies. The global pandemic and border restrictions have impacted enrolments, but provided opportunities for staff to be more creative with their teaching. The school was one of two chosen by DE International to run an online pilot program, teaching students who are overseas via remote learning using Zoom and Teams. The school's PDHPE teacher and ICT coordinator, Sung Yoon constantly seeks innovative ways to improve teaching practice, providing students with opportunities to experience new ways of learning. With Microsoft Wireless Display adapters (via EdBuy) in key learning spaces, as well as the meeting room and hall, HDMI, VGA or DVI cables are no longer needed! Staff are able to present their screen wirelessly. This has improved staff collaboration. During a recent assembly, they wirelessly projected their online learners through Zoom on the big screen. It allowed interaction with students in the school. The school's motto, Harmony and Progress, captured in an experience enabled by effective and reliable technologies and committed staff.
Embedding STEM @Jamison HS 
Watch this excellent stem.T4L school stories video of how Jamison High School share their teams approach to embedding STEM across their school. Leadership, planning and breaking down silos are all explored, with the school connecting with their stem.T4L Leader to "buy real time" and using their expertise to develop staff skills where needed.