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Aim to sustain

What is sustainability

Can we keep the earth safe, for us and for those who come after? Watch this video on biodiversity from the CSIRO. This video from PBS outlines some threats to biodiversity.

Aim to live more sustainably by reducing waste, recycling, and using less energy. Estimate your ecological footprint (requires registration, free). Reduce your water and find your carbon footprint as well as tips to reduce your energy use.

You don’t need to be a superhero to save the planet. Making a difference to the environment can start with little things in life. Try going plastic-free for a day and figure out how your family or class could go plastic-free for a month (PDF 667kB). Here are 8 things (PDF 3.32 MB) you can do right now!

How did we get to here? This NASA website about the history of fossil fuels is a good place to start.

Think a little bigger: watch this ABC video about water use in sustainable cities.

For students

Attract native wildlife and save water by planting suitable native plants in your garden. and see how small changes can promote biodiversity. Explore one school’s amazing sustainable garden.

What is threatening their habitats? Link to National Geographic videos for kids

Learn about some of Australia's endangered species. Learn about termites and the roles they play in their habitats. Learn about and complete Antarctic food webs. Build food chains to show the interdependence of living things. Look at some homes built with natural materials.

Use these interactive maps to see the impact of climate change.

For parents

Learn about sustainable households or get more tips on living sustainably. Explore National Parks and Botanic Gardens. Choose plants for your area and attract specific animals.

For teachers

Cool Australia has lots of lesson plans and resources on topics like climate change, sustainability and biodiversity (registration required, free). Learn about noxious weeds in your area, or take students out into the school gardens to find and identify weeds.

Contact an Environmental Education Centre, curriculum support on Teaching for sustainability or access online resources. Find and use resources research modules promoting sustainability. Investigate the CSIRO's Sustainable Futures program. Discuss the different ways the topic is presented here and evaluate written, visual and video persuasive texts.

The NPWS Wilderquest site has resources linked to parks, sustainability and Indigenous knowledge. (registration required)

Teachstarter has lots of ideas for lessons and activities around sustainability. (registration required for full access)

ABC's War on Waste series has lots of ideas about what students could do around the school and at home to reduce waste. Note that episode 3 is rated G.

The Design and Technology Teachers' Association of Victoria has some excellent resources available.