No time like the present
Why do businesses, travellers or the media need to know about time zones? Visit these web pages to improve your understanding:
Form small groups and choose ONE of the following tasks. Be sure to include mathematical facts with your text, audio and images.
Make a brochure that explains time zones to business, media or travel organisations. In Word you can select a flyer or newsletter template to get you started.
Use these marking guidelines (DOCX 22kB) to guide your approach and reflect on your group’s performance
Use the laptop microphone and sound editing program like Audacity or Anchor on your phone to make a 30-second radio commercial podcast on the importance of time zones for business, media or travel organisations.
Use these marking guidelines (DOCX 26kB) to guide your approach and reflect on your group’s performance.
Use the laptop webcam or your phone and some simple editing software like Videopad to record and edit a TV advertisement on the importance of time zones for business, media or travel organisations.
Use these marking guidelines (DOCX 24kB) to guide your approach and reflect on your group’s performance.