NSW DEC Sites2See

Great Barrier Reef

Global distribution of coral reefs

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The Great Barrier Reef contains the world’s largest collection of coral reefs.

Examine the global distribution of coral reefs. Learn some facts about coral and how reef ecosystems function.

Natural stress on the reef

Explore the effect of waves and how tropical cyclones impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

Threats to the Great Barrier reef

Investigate how climate change and water quality are threatening the Great Barrier Reef.

Consider how shark finning is putting shark species under threat in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Read about responsible reef practices.

A view of the Great Barrier Reef from the air, showing turquoise water with rock and corals scattered below the surface of the water.

Management strategies

Read about indigenous connections to the Great Barrier Reef and how this is integrated into management arrangements. Examine the Reef’s world heritage listing and efforts by the World Wildlife Fund and Reef HQ to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

A dark blue starfish lying on white sand in the Great Barrier Reef.

Find out about zoning and ways to manage individual species.


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