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Daily life


What did these groups of people do? How would a typical day have unfolded? What did they eat? How did they dress? Where did they live?

Start investigating these questions by exploring this site on life in Ancient China. This page concentrates on the time of the Han Dynasty. Find out about the clothes they wore, the food they ate and the houses they lived in. See how they celebrated with festivals. What was the role of women in society?

Choose at least THREE of the groups below and discover more about their role in Ancient Chinese society.

Painting showing various entertainers at work including acrobats, dancers and jugglers

Which group would these entertainers have worked for? (Public domain)

Read about the lives of artisans. Now examine the work done by jade, ceramic and bronze workers. The production of silk was unique to China in ancient times.

Read about the lives of merchants. Silk Road traders such as Zhang Qian were merchants too, as were these shopkeepers.

Read about the lives of nobles. Chinese nobles often left historians much information about their lives after dying. Explore this Ancient Chinese tomb which includes items that a noble may have used during his life.

Celadon figure of a maid

Celadon figure of a maid

Read about the lives of officials. One of the most well-known members of the civil service was the scholar and official historian Sima Qian.

Read about the lives of peasants, the largest group in society. Male and female peasants had quite distinct roles with men doing most of the physical labour while women performed the domestic duties.

Of course the lowest rung in Chinese society was occupied by the slave class. Read about the lives of slaves.

Painting of slaves in tattered clothes

With China’s borders regularly being threatened in the north by Xiongnu warriors, the Emperor’s soldiers were vital for the security of the people. Whether in battle or not, all Chinese men served at least two years in the military during the Han Dynasty. Read more about the lives of soldiers.

Statue of an Ancient Chinese warrior

Cold weather warriors

Twenty-four hours

So what was a typical day like? What work was done? What was eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Activity icon

Choose ONE of the seven groups and imagine you are a member of that group in Ancient China. Use the sources you have examined so far, as well as other websites/books, and this PowerPoint (.ppt 149kB) to describe a possible day in your life.

The PowerPoint has one or two questions in each segment of the day to guide your writing. The first page includes links to the different segments, and on these pages there is a button to return to the home page.

Make your information as accurate as possible. Include graphics and illustrations but make sure you acknowledge where these images came from.

Pie graph showing a 24-hour period broken into different sectors