Using the NSW Literacy continuum K-10

Markers and clusters – text version

Screen 1

The heading displays the text Markers and clusters.

The first text box displays the text a marker is a descriptor of a literacy skill or behaviour.

Markers are organised into groups called clusters, which show the sequence of literacy behaviours in each aspect of the continuum.

Clusters indicate how skills develop. This progression of literacy skills is shown by cluster numbers 1 to 16, from prior to school through to the end of Year 10.

The second text box displays the text Clusters indicate an appropriate grade for the literacy behaviours described. Students usually demonstrate a range of literacy behaviours in different contexts.

On the bottom right-hand corner there is a button ‘Next’, which when clicked activates the next screen.

On the subsequent screens two buttons are available ‘Next and ‘Prev’. Activating the ‘Prev’ button reverts to the previous screen. On the final screen, the ‘Prev’ only is available.

Screen 2

The text box displays the text Reading Texts, Cluster 13 and 14.

A heading appears with the text Cluster 13, end of Year 7.

A text box appears, with the text

  • Reads for sustained periods (30+ minutes) and maintains meaning in longer text or across a variety of texts on a single topic over time.

  • Adjusts reading rate appropriate to subject content and purpose

  • Applies technical vocabulary and content knowledge to create meaning when reading subject texts of increasing abstraction.

  • Selects and reads texts in ways that best meet requirements of a task.

  • Uses multiple reading pathways in a range of complex texts to locate and assemble information.

  • Applies and further develops monitoring and self-correcting strategies in subject contexts.

  • Applies and further develops fluent and expressive reading skills in subject contexts.

A heading appears with the text Cluster 14, end of Year 8.

A text box appears, with the text

  • Reads a wide range of increasingly complex subject texts for sustained periods.

  • Selects suitable reading pathways to engage with new content.

  • Identifies multiple purposes for which texts are constructed.

Screen 3

Text displays, Reading Texts, Clusters 15 and 16.

A heading appears with the text Cluster 15, end of Year 9.

A text box appears, with the text

  • Independently selects and reads an increasing volume and range of complex texts.

  • Strategically navigates texts with speed and efficiency.

A heading appears with the text Cluster 16, end of Year 10.

A text box appears, with the text

  • Strategically navigates an extensive volume of texts for a complex task.