Using the NSW Literacy continuum K-10

Key elements – text version


Key Elements. The detail of the NSW Literacy Continuum is the same for both versions. First, are the eight critical aspects of literacy. In the interactive version these run across the top and bottom of the screen. Clusters of markers demonstrate the progression of literacy across the years of schooling. The clusters run down the left-hand side of the screen.

You’ll be able to see all the clusters you need on the one screen if you use the ‘Collapse’ feature in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Clicking on the plus sign for each cluster allows you to see them individually or collectively. Clicking on the ‘Expand’ feature also at the top right-hand corner restores the original view. The screen will go blank for a couple of seconds while this occurs.

Cells are where an aspect and a cluster intersect. You’ll notice that each cell has a check box. This allows you to select up to three for comparison. Click on ‘Compare’ to allow the viewing and printing of the three cells chosen.

The cells in the online version also contain extra information. Links take you to both general literacy and subject specific teaching ideas and strategies. You can explore these and use as appropriate for your own students. This feature also allows you to collect and share your own successful literacy teaching practices.