Commemorating Anzac through engaging learning

Geography ES1


Entrance gates to a school with pillars bearing enrolment names

WW1 Memorial Gates and Wall, Darlington PS

Students locate memorials within their school and investigate how the location of memorials can be represented.

About the image on this page
The First World War memorial gates and wall at the former Darlington Public School bear the names of 300 former pupils who enlisted to fight in the war. The gates and old school building are now part of the University of Sydney.

Teaching and learning activities

A small bick pillar with a plaque on the top and side in a garden.

Memorial at North Ryde PS, 2014

Question: Where are memorials in our school located?


Walk around the school and identify memorials located in the school grounds, for example, memorial plaques, gardens, fountains. Discuss their significance.

Take photographs of the memorials for classroom display.

(If the school doesn’t have memorials, locate the area at which the Anzac Day service is held.)


Students create a pictorial map of the location of one or more of the memorials in the school grounds.


Working in pairs students use Lego people to ‘walk through’ their map to the memorial, explaining the surrounds, location and significance.

Learning concepts

These additional questions can be used for discussion or further investigations.


How can we look after the special memorials in our school?


How does our school community remember important events?


Why are the memorials in our school special places?

Syllabus links

GEe 1 identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people

GEe 2 communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools

Locating places


  • investigate how the location of places can be represented, for example: (ACHGK001)

    –   location of familiar and local places on maps

    –   description of the location of places