Who is the Premier and what do they do?

Mr Collier took Natasha’s request to the Premier. So who is the Premier and what do they do?

The Premier is the head of the government of the state and leader of the party that runs the state. They are responsible for the actions of the government.

The territories have different powers to the states so they do not have a Premier but a Chief Minister.

To find out more about the NSW Premier visit the Premier’s website.

Photo details: The first Premier of New South Wales, Stuart Alexander Donaldson, is sitting in the centre. Other Members are (left to right) Thomas Holt (Colonial Treasurer), William M. Manning (Attorney General), John B. Darvall (Solicitor General), George R. Nichols (Auditor General).

Thomas Holt, William Manning, Stuart Donaldson, John Darvall, George Nichols

The first Ministry under Responsible Government in New South Wales 1856. Click to enlarge.