Timeline for justice

The demand for justice and equality by Australia's Indigenous people has been a long hard struggle. The digital story focuses on the Freedom Rides and the 1967 Referendum but there have been many more protest movements for this cause. You may like to research some of the following, considering the methods used to bring about change.

  • 1963 –The Bark petition by the Yolgnu people

  • 1996 – The Wave Hill strike by the Gurindji people, led by Vincent Lingiari.

  • 1971 – Harold Thomas created the Aboriginal flag which has been used as symbol of Aboriginal resistance to white authority

  • 1972 – The Tent Embassy was constructed on the lawn of Parliament House

  • 1988 – March for justice, freedom and hope in Sydney on 26th January

  • 1992 – The Mabo decision

  • 1996 – The Wik decision

  • 1998 – Blockade at Jabiluka mine, in support of the Mirrar people

  • 2000 – The Reconciliation walk, across the Harbour Bridge.

Source: NSW HSC online - Aboriginal Studies

Aboriginal flag