Background to Mabo
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Mabo had a number of jobs during his life but it was his position as a gardener at James Cook University that would prove to be particularly important. At the University he would sit in on lectures, read books from the library and speak with various professors. In conversations with the professors it became obvious to them that Mabo believed that his people owned the Murray Islands. When one professor told Mabo that the Murray Islands were legally Crown land, Mabo was shocked. At a Land Rights Conference, held at the University, Mabo met with a lawyer who was interested in his belief that his people owned the land. He suggested that it would make an interesting court case. The Murray Islanders decided that they would challenge the legal principle of Terra Nullius in the High Court. Their people had lived in the Murray Islands for hundreds of years and they wanted to establish their legal title to the land. As Mabo was to lead the case, the action became known as the Mabo case.
Map with location of Murray Islands. Click to enlarge. Eddie Mabo self portrait. Click to enlarge. |