Activity Title: Making a difference


This video player contains 2 video clips, Members of Parliament and Voting. Watch the video clips and return to the main page to take action.

Video 1: Parliament


Emmanwel: In that parliament members were not kind of voted in.

These are some people or some group of people that individuals

that have just formed a government.

They could be friends or they could be people who had just made their way in,

they were not voted in like maybe having a member of parliament

who I did not vote for and even the President that is currently in the power

was not democratically elected.



Video 2: Voting


Paul: When I was in my country several years ago I never exercised my rights

as a voter except when I was in Australia back in 2007

when I elected the government of my choice.

In 2007, I voted for the Federal Government, I also voted for the State Government,

I also voted for the Local Government in Blacktown.

So, there's a lot of difference, things that you could see

in voting here and back in Sudan.

Emmanwel: Voting in Sudan is just meant for few, few people,

they could just vote in governments or they could just make

anything that they wanted to do.

Whereas in Australia voting is inclusive and is mandatory,

it's a must, that everybody should vote here.