Activity Title: Making a difference


This video player contains 3 video clips, Limits on human rights, The role of the media and The role of the international community. Watch the video clips and return to the main page to take action.

Video 1: Human rights


Paul: If you talk openly in the public about an individual,

the next day you'll be in prison or you'll be in jail.

Emmanwel: In Sudan there are no rule of laws and there are no civil rights

and of course there's no freedom of expression.

You know one has to express himself whether you're not happy with the government

or there's some issues that you see and would want to talk about them.

As soon as you start saying anything about this government that is in place

the next minute you are not there,

you're either locked in or your life is taken away.

But it is our responsibility as citizens of that country to speak about them

or to challenge the government.



Video 2: The media


Emmanwel: The international media such as BBC, Voice of America and the rest,

they're not allowed sometimes to travel or to get into Sudan to do filming

or to get the news and media is very important.

If they're allowed to picture or think or talk to the unheard people

or to bring that information that is being locked so that the international community

that Paul has pleaded so that they could come into they could not get all these facts

simply because another government is having their own restrictions.



Video 3: International help


Paul: Back in 1987 when I fled to Ethiopia, it's the international community

that provide safety for my life,

they provided me with food and the basic education that I've got.

The international community also provided me with protection.

When I say they've not done enough I think the international community

is acting like an umbrella, looking into issues that are happening across the world.

The issues that are happening now in Sudan are extraordinary that need action

and they need to be looked into immediately.

There's a saying in English that goes 'justice delayed is justice denied'.

Emmanwel: The implementation is very slow, is very hard to read the

international community and tell them you know it's very slow,

it has to take a longer time to let them know and then to arrange for a forum

to talk about it or to look into it.

Paul: The international community has not done enough though they have done

virtually what they can do.

I would say it's the time for the international community

to look into issues in Sudan.
