Activity Title: United Natioins Climate Change Conference



Video 1: Sam's trip



Sam Lara: Hi, my name's Sam Lara.

I'm packing to go to Bali but not for a holiday.

I am going to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COPP13,

being held in Bali, in December, this year.

One hundred and thirteen Environment ministers are expected to attend to discuss

the new global climate deal and the way to reduce carbon emissions.

I'm a student in Year 9 at Kadina High School and I've been interested in

climate change since I saw Al Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

Since then I've been lobbying my local council to get serious about climate change.

I also joined a girl who was walking from Brisbane to Sydney

to raise awareness about the issue.

I'm going to Indonesia because my parents are making a documentary

called 'The Burning Season', which is about how a carbon trading deal can reduce

carbon emissions by protecting the forests in Indonesia.


Sam: I'm going to be reporting on all the activities surrounding the event

for my school as well as reporting in this live web cast

that you guys are involved in.


Sam: I'm going to have to take something out.




Video 2: Sam's report


Sam Lara: The second week of the United Nations Climate Change Conference

was probably the most exciting, tense, hectic and important week I can remember.

After successfully completing my live webcast for the NSW Department of Education

I joined up with youth representatives from all around the world.

We did a number of actions including a plea to the United States and Canada

to support the Bali Roadmap with a giant poster with just the single word 'please'.

Three young people - one from Australia, one from the United States and

one from Indonesia - spoke in front of the UN in the main plenary,

urging them to action.

Woman: 'Half of the world's population is under thirty and will live with

the decisions that you are making today.

We are inspired by those of you who are taking real leadership,

both at home and internationally.

And we are ashamed of those countries that are delaying actions in this UN process

and who are actively compromising our future'.

Sam: Almost 200 young people from over 30 countries rose,

with one finger painted green and held in the air, to symbolize our support

and let the UN know that youth from all over the world are watching.

The action received great press coverage and the speech was very moving

and brought us all to tears.

All the world leaders are arriving including Kevin Rudd, yes.

On Wednesday Kevin Rudd arrived in Bali and I met him that night at a

private function for Australians, where I also met Peter Garrett.

Kevin Rudd: A little over a week ago I had the honour of being elected

as Australia's 26th Prime Minister.

In my first act as Prime Minister I signed the formal instrument

for Australia to ratify the Kyoto protocol.


Sam: On the last day there was tension and uncertainty as to whether the

delegates would agree on the Bali Roadmap.

The negotiating went all day Friday and all day Saturday.

The United States were obstructing the decision and received

boos from everyone in the plenary.

Then, many developing countries made passionate speeches

demanding America change their position.

They all received a huge round of applause.

Finally the US gave into the pressure and there was

more cheering as consensus was reached.

Woman: Let me say to you that we will go forward and join consensus in this.


Sam: The inclusion of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in

Developing Countries) in the road map was also agreed.

This was a big win for the forests, the orangutans and the planet.

It was also a great ending for the film my parents are making, 'The Burning Season'.

Well the final decisions have been made and the youth are doing one final action

where we've got a huge banner up on the flagpoles, and we're going to raise it up.

The banner says 'The world demands higher emissions targets'.

This conference has basically shown us that public pressure can make a

big difference because Canada changed its position,

the United States changed its position.

Even though we are youth, this has proven that we do and we can make a difference.

Everyone: Wooooh, it's hot in here, there's too much carbon in the atmosphere, I said,

oooh it's hot in here, there's too much carbon in the atmosphere, take action,

take action and get some satisfaction, take action,

take action and get some satisfaction.

