Activity Title: Making a difference


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Video 1: The outcome


Barry Collier: It seemed to me that the best way to approach this was to

go to the top, so I went and saw the Premier actually in his office,

Parliament House, not long before question time, he squeezed me in and I

presented him with Natasha's letter and the 221 signature petition.

I've got to say he was quite impressed that a kid had written such a letter

and quite impressed that she'd undertaken what really is of the

political process and got herself involved in the political process at such

an early age namely getting the petition up and really presenting a case.

As it turned out the Premier was in fact so impressed that we got a

cheque for $22,000 to replace the play equipment.

He actually came out to present the cheque personally to Natasha

and her friends, we had a whole swag of kids down there in the park.

It was a school holidays even and Natasha had managed to round up

all these kids, met the Premier.

Natasha: We got $20,000 from the State Government and $2000 from the council.

The council bought the bike track, which goes around the play equipment

and we got a slide, some swings and some play equipment.

Barry Collier: It really shows what you can really do if you fight for

a cause that you believe in, and that's the message

I hope a lot of kids might get out of this.

Get involved, get involved in the process, get involved in your community

and you can achieve great things.

It doesn't matter how old you are.

Natasha: I'm ecstatic with the outcome, who would have thought that a tiny

10 year old girl could make such an impact in the community.
