
Categorise the following sentences as either:

  • Employer rights

  • Employee rights

  • Employer responsibilities

  • Employee responsibilities

treat all co-workers equally

obey and report work and health and safety issues

attend work regularly and to be punctual

obey all lawful instructions

maintain confidentiality and privacy of enterprise, client and colleague information

know the terms of their employment

be accountable for money, material and property belonging to the employer

leave personal mobile turned off or on vibrate/silent and only answer in an emergency

be paid the correct wage and entitlements such as sick and annual leave

be able to join a union

expect reasonable care to be taken by all employees

dress appropriately

be courteous and give good service to clients/customers

advise the employer of inability to work

give up all inventions made within the employer’s time

be willing to be trained

follow instructions

dismiss employees if employees are negligent, careless or cause an accident, commit a criminal offence or commit acts of disloyalty such as revealing confidential information

expect loyalty from employees

do not access personal emails or social networking sites whilst at work

work in an environment free from discrimination and harassment

able to resign

not be dismissed unfairly

have access to a grievance resolution process

be given explicit instructions regarding work tasks

receive advice and training

not unfairly dismiss an employee

give clear instructions

evaluate performance and provide feedback to employees

provide advice and training

expect employees to be accountable for money or resources in their care

expect you to work

provide a safe work environment

provide a safe environment free from discrimination and sexual harassment

report to WorkCover any serious accidents

hold worker’s compensation insurance

provide risk management

consult with employees with respect to Work health and safety

adhere to Work Health and Safety Act 2011

set realistic work expectations

pay employees the correct wage

provide conditions in line with the Award and or National Employment Standards

treat all employees fairly, applying EEO principles

seek promotion based on merit

be provided with a safe work environment