Windows 10 v1709 now available! 
Following extensive development, testing and piloting in schools, we released Windows 10 version 1709 (also known as the Fall Creators Update) to all eT4L schools on 9 October 2018. It's the first major update since Windows 10 was launched at the end of 2016. Schools can selectively install the new Windows 10 when they are ready - to some, or all of their DoE standard devices. Upgrading to v1709 requires a rebuild of each device. It can either be started by the regular F12 boot process, or remotely using UDM – as long as the device is connected to a working network port via cable. You can update any existing Windows 10 or 7 device using either of these two methods. Brand new devices such as those from the latest T4L Rollout, can only be built to Win 10 v1709 via F12.
When should we update to 1709? 
This update of Windows will introduce the features of both the Creators update (v1703) and Fall Creators update in one go, including Paint 3D and new Virtual Reality (VR) capabilities. The new version has been tested for compatibility with DoE corporate applications including SAP and ebs:central. We recommend that all school-owned Windows devices that are used by students should be rebuilt as soon as possible. This will refresh them, clear out filled hard drives and reinstall software packages deployed via UDM. It will also ensure important security updates have been properly applied. For school-owned computers that are allocated to or regularly used by staff, it’s best to test the new build on one or two first and make local decisions around when it’s best to update the entire staff fleet. We recommend that you test key applications used by staff to confirm that they work on 1709 and also prepare individual staff members for the change. If you have any questions about 1709, the Win 10 Discussion group on Yammer is a great place to start.
Windows User Profile clean-up 
One of the great new features introduced with the release of the new eT4L Windows 10 v 1709 build is the inclusion of an automatic old user profile clean-up process. Windows creates a local user profile on each device whenever a new user logs onto it. As Windows computers in schools are shared by large numbers of students, these multiple local user profiles start to consume all available disk space and impact logon times and general performance. A new process is now in place for ALL eT4L Windows computers which automatically and silently removes any old user profile that has not been accessed in the past 60 days. The profile age-check and cleanup occurs on either restart or shutdown of each device. For devices that are allocated to staff members, as long as they have logged on at least once in the past 60 days, their local user profile will not be deleted.
eT4L UDM now shows device OS 
Since 26 October, the Windows 10 build version is displayed beside each device in Universal Desktop Manager (UDM). This will help schools to clearly identify which devices in their fleet have been updated to the latest version of Windows for eT4L.
T4L Rollout update 
The T4L Rollout team has been working closely with vendors to process and dispatch this year's T4L orders to the 1,469 included schools across NSW. HP were able to mobilise very quickly and delivered the majority of devices before the end of term 3. 849 schools have already received their full T4L order. Remaining deliveries are on track for completion by week 6 of term 4. Anticipated delivery dates will be emailed to the school as information is supplied by vendors. To assist with our audit and verification processes, please:
- Sign the delivery note (POD) and legibly print the receiver’s FULL name to help us with any tracking issues
- Count the boxes and sign only for goods that have actually been received
- Take note of boxes or items that are damaged on delivery and report immediately.
For those schools that ordered Apple iPads, Apple have confirmed all iPads will be automatically enrolled in the school’s Apple School Manager account via the Device Enrolment Program. Schools should also expect a call from their local Apple retail store around the time of their delivery.
What exactly is Wake-On-LAN? 
The Wake-On-LAN option in UDM is a mystery for many school ICT Coordinators and TSOs, so here's a quick video to clear it up. We've even produced a simple infographic all about it.
Minecraft community in term 4 
The NSW DoE Minecraft EE Community is getting together again throughout term 4 with a series of quick web meet-ups via Microsoft Teams! Join us to discuss all things Minecraft Education Edition in the classroom and hook up with special guests who will present each session. To be held in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8, you'll be sure to get some great new ideas for how to better use MEE with your students, so book them in your calendar! The link to use for the sessions is: - hope to see you there!
MS Surface Pro now available! 
With the release of Windows 10 1709 and the development of a more efficient upgrade path to newer versions of Windows, NSW public schools are now able to use their discretionary funds to purchase the Microsoft Surface Pro touch-enabled device and accessories through the department's online catalogue! The Surface Pro joins the other touch-enabled devices from HP that are already on the catalogue, offering an alternative high-end mobile platform for staff that need power and ultra-portability.
Important notes:
- Accessories like keyboard and pen are NOT included and will need to be purchased separately if required
- Either a USB to Ethernet Adapter (EJS-00007) or a Surface Dock is required to build the Surface Pro for eT4L
- Advanced Exchange warranty (4 years), has been arranged with Microsoft & ASI. For confirmed hardware faults, Microsoft will send a permanent replacement device and the school will return the faulty unit. All data will be wiped from the returned unit. To facilitate this replacement warranty, it is essential that the device has not been engraved
- Ordering details can be found on the DoE Online Catalogue by searching for Microsoft Surface Pro.