How do I know when my students get there?

How do I know when my students get there?

Assessment is the process of collecting evidence of student learning in order to draw an inference about an individual’s (or a group’s) current level of attainment.

Effective and informative assessment and reporting:

  • has clear, direct links with outcomes

  • is integral to teaching and learning

  • is balanced, comprehensive and varied

  • is valid

  • is fair

  • engages the learner

  • values teacher judgement

  • is time efficient and manageable

  • recognises individual achievement and progress

  • involves a whole school approach

  • actively involves parents

  • conveys meaningful and useful information.

Principles of effective assessment (BOSTES)

Video icon

Sadie Gow discusses the principles of effective feedback.

Sadie Gow, Senior Curriculum Policy Officer
Assessment and Reporting K–12
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre

Diagram representing how to build assessment into your unit of work. This includes: check that the teaching strategies and learning experiences you have planned address the outcomes of your teaching focus; identify where and when you need to assess; identify how you need to assess; consider again the purpose of assessment. All assessment should guide further teaching.

The assessment cycle

At any stage in this cycle you can use your combined assessment data to make a point in time judgement for reporting.

Principles of Assessment and Reporting in NSW Public Schools thumbnail

Principles of Assessment and Reporting in NSW Public Schools

Quality teaching in NSW public schools: An assessment practice guide thumbnail

Quality teaching in NSW public schools: An assessment practice guide

BOS NSW Advice on Assessment thumbnail

BOS NSW Advice on Assessment