How will my students get there?
Your students will ‘get there’ through your planning of quality learning experiences to achieve your teaching focus i.e. What you want your students to learn.
A unit of learning:
is a detailed plan for teaching and assessing student learning
includes the syllabus outcomes being addressed, planned teaching and learning experiences and assessment strategies
may include suggested resources
differentiates learning in ways that are responsive to students’ needs. While units may be planned collaboratively and shared, teachers will need to differentiate learning to cater for particular students.
Once you have your scope and sequence and know what outcomes you want to address, it is time to begin writing teaching and learning sequences.
Your unit of learning will include details about:
time frame
teaching and learning strategies and activities
resources and assessment
variations from the planned teaching program
registration and evaluation
Units of work that support the implementation of new syllabuses can be found on the resources page of the NSW syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum website which is accessible through the DEC Portal. |