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Office 365 at school

Office 365 was made available to all students and staff via the DoE Portal in early 2015. Since then, schools have been managing access to their collaborative content in Office 365 by entering student and staff names, one by one to assign memberships. Following work to better integrate DoE's Active Directory groups with our Office 365 environment, schools are now able to use the same year and staff-based groups they use for other services.

To access the groups, you will need to know your 4-digit school code and the group naming conventions. You can find a number of staff groups based on roles such as School.Teacher, School.SubExec and School.Casual.NonTeacher to name a few. Student scholastic year groups are available by default - roll class and subject class groups may be available if you log a request. Here's how to use this new function in a few of the O365 apps.

OneNote Class Notebook

Create a new class notebook from and follow the steps in the wizard at that site. When you get to step 4 of the wizard, you'll be shown a space to enter student names.

  • Enter a year group in the form - "Year 4 XXXX" where XXXX is your 4-digit school code
  • Select the group from the suggested results below the text space to confirm the group.

When you've finished adding all the student groups you wish to add, click the Next button. OneNote will respond with - "Getting the student names from your groups" - while it fetches their names and creates their private sections within the Class notebook. This process is very similar for creating new staff notebooks. When you reach the step in the wizard to add other staff, try "YYYYYY - School.All.Staff" where YYYYYY is the name of your school e.g. "Sutherland PS - School.All.Staff". This allows all staff at the school to be provided a private space within the notebook.

Note: School groups cannot be applied to a Class/Staff Notebook that already exists.

Microsoft Stream

The newest Office 365 app allows videos to be hosted and shared within the department. Office 365 School-based groups can be used to limit how far a video is shared, perhaps for all staff and students at your school, or just a particular year group.

When uploading a video, you can configure the "Permissions" tab. To use a school-based group, set "Shared with" to People and type in "Year 10 XXXX" where XXXX is your school code.

Teams for Education

Create an area for a year group to collaborate by setting up a Team shared via the school-based group. Students and teachers can then access the group in a browser, desktop or mobile app to see conversations, documents, a class/staff notebook, and other customisable tabs. To share a team with a year group:

  1. Create a new Team if not already existing
  2. Click the ". . . "beside the Team name and select "Add members"
  3. In the space provided, type the year group in the form "Year 1 XXXX" where XXXX is your school code
  4. Select the group from the suggested results below the text space to confirm the group
  5. When finished selecting all the student groups you wish to add, click the Add button
  6. Click Close when complete.

SharePoint Online

If your school has created a SharePoint Online workspace and would like to share this across the school with all staff, this is now a very simple task.

  1. Open the SharePoint Online workspace
  2. Click Share at the top-right, underneath your name
  3. In the space to enter names, type "YYYYYY - School.All.Staff" where YYYYYY is the name of your school e.g. "Tomaree HS - School.All.Staff"
  4. Click the Show Options link to select options like Email invitation, and which permission level to grant