Risky behaviour: Solution

Question 1

You use sunscreen


  1. You use SPF 30 sunscreen everyday Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. Never use sunscreen Profile match: Risk taker
  3. Only at the beach Profile match: Room for improvement

Question 2

Describe your use of a hat


  1. Always wear a hat with a wide brim Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. Never wear a hat Profile match: Risk taker
  3. I have a cap which I wear sometimes Profile match: Room for improvement

Question 3



  1. I don't try to get a tan Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. I like to be tanned Profile match: Risk taker
  3. I like to get a bit of sun Profile match: Room for improvement

Question 4

Applying sunscreen


  1. I apply sunscreen twenty minutes before going outside. Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. I apply sunscreen when I start to burn Profile match: Risk taker
  3. I apply sunscreen just before I leave for the beach Profile match: Room for improvement

Question 5

Skin checks


  1. I get my skin checked regularly by a doctor Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. I don't worry about my skin as I am young. Profile match: Risk taker
  3. I check my own skin. Profile match: Room for improvement

Question 6

Suntanned people


  1. I think tanning is stupid Profile match: Safe and sensible
  2. A tan is healthy Profile match: Risk taker
  3. Suntanned people have been on holidays and are relaxed Profile match: Room for improvement