What do you know about sun safety?

Try this quick quiz to find out what you know about the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

Question 1

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Yes that's right. One in two Australians will get skin cancer in their life time. This statistic should be enough to make anyone cover up and protect themselves.
  2. Unfortunately this is true.

Question 2

A tan is healthy for you.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Tanning leads to premature aging and increases your chances of getting skin cancer.
  2. That's right. A tan is not healthy and damages your skin causing wrinkles and thick leathery skin. It also increases your chances of skin cancer.

Question 3

Skin damage from the sun can be reversed.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Unfortunately once skin has been damaged by the sun it cannot be reversed. It accumulates over time.
  2. Skin damage from the sun cannot be reversed and accumulates over time.

Question 4

Some sun is good for you.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Yes you do need some sun to make vitamin D in your skin.
  2. You do need some sun but you get enough just by your everyday exposure to the sun. No need to lay out in the sun.

Question 5

In summer you can get sunburnt when the temperature is cool.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Yes, you can get burnt whether it is hot or cold. Temperature is related to infra-red radiation, while sunburn is a result of ultraviolet radiation. You can't feel UV rays so always protect yourself.
  2. This is true. You get burnt by UV radiation which you can't feel. In summer it can feel cool but still have enough UV to damage your skin.

Question 6

Melanoma is the least common skin cancer.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Yes, that's right, melanoma is the most dangerous but fortunately the least common.
  2. This is true, the other forms of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma and sqaumous cell carcinoma are more common.

Question 7

Going under shade gives you complete protection from the sun.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Shade gives you some protection but UV rays can be reflected from surrounding surfaces. You still need to protect yourself from the sun.
  2. Shade gives you some protection but dangerous UV rays may be reflected from surrounding surfaces such as water or concrete.

Question 8

Getting sunburnt when you are young doesn't matter.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. No that's not right, getting sunburnt when young can lead to melanoma as an adult. Cover up and protect yourself.
  2. Research has shown that getting sunburnt when young can lead to dangerous melanoma as an adult.

Question 9

Going under shade gives you complete protection from the sun.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. Shade gives you some protection but UV rays can be reflected from surrounding surfaces. You still need to protect yourself from the sun.
  2. Shade gives you some protection but dangerous UV rays may be reflected from surrounding surfaces such as water or concrete.
