SunSmart actions

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SunSmart actions

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Protect yourself by the following actions.

Cover up as much skin as you can. Long sleeves, collars, long pants, loose fitting and darker colours.

long sleeved shirt@#@$

Apply SPF30+, broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours or after you have been swimming.

sunscreen bottle

Wear a broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaries hat that covers the face, head, ears and neck.


Use natural shade like trees and built shade, but don’t forget that ultraviolet radiation can be reflected from other surfaces.


Choose glasses that are a close fit with a wrap-around style. Look at the tag and make sure they meet Australian Standard 1067.


Use a combination of all five sun protection methods to decrease your risks.

Solariums use artificial UVA and UVB to tan skin. They are very concentrated (up to 5 times the midday sun) and have been shown to increase the chance of skin cancer. They should be avoided totally.

sunsmart clothiin@#@$

Use all available methods to protect yourself

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