Page from the Anthony Horderns' shopping catalogue that reads, 'The most popular sewing machine in Australia. The 'White' is the machine for White Women, the White Wives and White Daughters of White Men. The WHITE sewing machine cannot fail to adorn any WHITE man's house. It will make WHITE clothing for WHITE men and WHITE garments for WHITE women and for piccaninnies of the WHITE variety. Also, on a pinch, just to show there's no ill feelings, the WHITE sewing machine will take on BLACK work and COLOURED work in any shade of colour and give that satisfaction which always follows the use of the WHITE sewing machine. Every WHITE machine is fitted with ball bearings, giving the machine a smooth acting, light running movement. The 'king' steel set of attachments supplied free with every WHITE machine. Duplicate parts of WHITE machines always available.'
Anthony Horderns' furniture catalogue, April 1915. Caroline Simpson Collection, Sydney Living Museums.