The White Australia Game. A new Australian game for new and old Australian people. Instructions for the game: Place the four coloured men on the circles in Australia, the four white men outside, centre circle vacant. A circle must be skipped every move, and no back moves allowed except that any piece on the centre circle may also move to the circle next to it, either backwards or forward. Moves can be made on top of your own or your opponent's man, so that half a dozen pieces may be on top of one another – only the top piece is allowed to move. As long as a move is possible, it is compulsory. When one side has no more moves the game is over. Score is counted by the number you have in your opponent's ground, thus if you have two men in the 'one' circle and one in the 'three', your score is five. If your opponent's men cover any of your pieces, these do not count. Single games maybe played or any number up. With several boards any number can play at once, the losers dropping out, the last two left in playing off. Or sides may be chosen, and the individual scores of each side totalled. Instructions for White Australia Puzzle: place the men the same as the game. The puzzle is to make them change places, getting all the coloured men out, and all the white men in to Australia. One man can jump over the other whenever there is a vacant space on the other side. Moving backwards, or moving on top of the pieces is not allowed. Jumping over your own men is not allowed. Whenever the next circle ahead is vacant you can move into it. Text at the bottom reads White Australia Puzzle, get the coloured men out and the white men in. Sweet Fifteen Puzzle, takes more than 15 minutes to do. Instructions on envelope.
White Australia Game, 1914. National Archives of Australia A1336; 3368; 6974245.