Activity Title: Demands of MyScience in the school


Hear what people say about the demands of MyScience.

Video 1: Demands



Principal: Some of the experiments that the kids are doing require

a fair bit of time or some special materials

so I think you need the support of the parents at home.

I think it's probably just the time and the materials that need

a little bit more attention.

Some other areas you can do them quicker but MyScience has got to be

a sustained effort over quite a few weeks.

At the end of last year we had like a Science Expo as well

and you could just tell from some of the models the kids brought in

that the parents had had a real big helping hand in it all.

So, it's quite obvious that the parents are being involved at home

and we've also got some of our parents involved as mentors.

We've done that for the past few years as well.

So, it's really you know brought quite a few of the scientific people

in our school community out because they're pleased that something's

happening in Science so they've put up their hand and helped.

In one way I've been lucky just to have the staff that have been

enthusiastic but I do wonder if one year there won't be quite so many

that want to put up their hand.

So, I think as long as we balance the demands of the teaching and the

demands of MyScience I think people will still put up their hand.

But, I've got a very enthusiastic group this year but you can't always

guarantee what's going to happen in the future.


Conducting MyScience investigations is a whole term effort.