An experienced Assistant Principal talks about her MyScience experience.
MusicAssistant Principal: My name's Kaye, I teach at Beresford Road,
this is my second year of doing MyScience,the school has been doing it for three years but I wasn't here then,I came just after they'd finished it.I first started doing MyScience last year but I learnt a lot morethis year because I already had the experience of knowing how to do itthe year before so I was able to guidethe other teachers a lot better as well.I guess like me to be explaining to people that it's not as big a dealas what it seemed to me when I was doing it last year,it seemed much more complex than I think it really needed to be,it could be simplified.But I still think it's a really good thing for teachers,to train teachers how to teach Science and I think once you've doneMyScience you'll never teach Science the same way as you did before.It will become a priority for you and you know that for your classthen all of your students will know how to do it,conduct a scientific investigation and they knowwhat's important about fair testing.That makes them good consumers even if it's not to do with school,they see an ad on the television they'll know 'No, that's not right'.They hear about some survey they think 'No, that doesn't prove it at all'.And things even like where someone says 'Oh well, my Dad smokes and hedidn't die so therefore smoking is not bad'.They'll understand that is not a valid thing to say.Notes:
The second time you run a MyScience investigation, confidence is increased and there is a lot less stress.