The link to the Australian Government Quality Teaching Project (DET) provides support for internet searches and authenticating web sites. See also ‘How to do research on the internet’.
Connecting learning in my primary classroom at NSW DET Curriculum Support has a range of resources for connecting learning for video conferencing and use with the interactive whiteboard.
Learn how to use a spreadsheet in a science class through this tutorial. (DET only)
TaLe also has links to Intel Skoool resources and SMART notebook resources that provide opportunities for interactive learning using ICT. (DET only)
Support for data handling is available in numeracy wraps such as Using Maths Tracks on TaLe. (DET only)
Connecting Learning in my primary classroom has interactive lessons under KLAs and stages, such as Variables for stage 3 investigating scientifically. (DET only)
SMART Exchange has electronic resources for the primary science classroom. (DET only)
Sites2See (Earthquakes) (Databases for Science) (Volcanoes) (Exploring the Human Body) (What is climate change?) ( Measurement for Primary)
FreeMind is a tool that is available free to support mind mapping. Alternatively Inspiration is a program used for mind mapping. A support tutorial can be found at the Australian Government Quality Teaching web site (DET only).
Professional Development: ICT Support Help Sheets and Tip Sheets
Intel- Free Teaching Tools and Resources
Teaching with the Internet K-12: New Literacies for New Times (Chapter 6-Science)
Simple touch typing tutorial