Roles and responsibilities

This list contains suggestions for different roles. Your team may decide to use most of these but feel free to invent your own. You may have to take on more than one role each.

  • Researcher – this is a task for everyone! Divide your research questions amongst the group.

  • Facilitator/Encourager – starts discussion and keeps it on track.

  • Recorder/Secretary – takes notes of all discussions and meeting decisions.

  • Checker/Summarizer – confirms everyone understands, summarises where group is up to and checks the presentation for accuracy.

  • Fact checker – checks and corrects any statements/ideas that are false or misleading about refugees.

  • Kit co-ordinator– everyone should have a role in developing items in the kit but the Kit co-ordinator should work with the Kit co-ordinators from other groups to keep the class on track. They may need to report on progress to the class or work to keep continuity between items in the kit.

  • Spokesperson/Presenter – shows and explains creation to the class. This should be shared by several or all members.

  • Time-keeper – monitors time and keeps group on task for completion (only needed for more complicated tasks).