Baldwin Street in Dunedin, NZ holds the Guinness Book of Records title as the steepest street in the world. However, the claim is controversial due to the confusion surrounding how the gradient was recorded. Canton Street in Pittsburgh, USA would like to claim that they have the steepest street in the world. |
Lombard Street in San Francisco, USA is now famous as the ‘most crooked’ street in the world, after it designed a series of switchbacks to reduce its grade of only 27%.
Use Microsoft Publisher or another document creation tool to design a local tourism advertisement to attract visitors to the town that you choose. Be sure to communicate mathematical facts along with your text and images.
Does your area have a steeper road than Steep Street in Tweed Heads, NSW? Consider:
How could you measure the rise and run safely?
Calculate the gradient.
Create a poster for your chosen street. Include a Google Maps snapshot or take a photo yourself.