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Fred Watson - Science Talk 2008


Centre for Learning Innovation

These resources may be accessed via the Teaching and Learning Exchange www.tale.edu.au

The Fred Watson Masterclass is a resource for Stage 6 Physics students. It presents his Stargazer talk, student questions and answers and an interview with Fred. There is also an excellent learning activity on producing a composite image from several astro-images.

Physics Explorer is a resource for Stage 6 Physics students. Physics explorer deals with superconductivity, virtual cathode ray tubes and electromagnetic induction. The Physics Explorer Preliminary resource supports students in the Stage 6 Physics preliminary course and deals with the inverse square law, reflection and refraction of electromagnetic radiation.

Forces and fields targets the following topic areas; electric, magnetic and gravitational forces and fields. It also includes electromagnetic and nuclear radiation.

Science Talk features a range of masterclasses and interviews with national and international award-winning scientists. In Science Talk 2007, an interview with Jack Bacon, a NASA engineer provides insight into his work in space science, particularly the ‘vomit comet’ and his research on thermonuclear fusion. He also offers students predictions of where technology and science might lead us in the future of space science. Science Talk addresses outcomes in the Stage 4 and Stage 5 Science syllabus.

Intel skoool resources offer practical information and interactive simulations to help students explore and conceptualise some of the more difficult aspects of chemistry. Some Intel skoool Physics titles include; Satellites, Gravity, Gravity and the solar system, Day and night, Seasons and Day Length, Year Length, The origin of the Universe, Stars, Planets, galaxies and orbits, Comets, and The search for extraterrestrial life. These Intel skoool resources address outcomes in the Stage 4 and Stage 5 Science syllabus and Stage 6 Physics syllabuses.


Read about Fred and his work on his webpage at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/fgw/

Listen to Fred answer some astronomy questions in his regular Stargazing slot on ABC Radio National. http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2008/04/08/2210606.htm

An Australian school-based program for students to interact with telescopes across the world was developed and can be seen at. http://physics.mq.edu.au/astronomy/asistm/index.html

Latest news from the Phoenix Mars Lander on Science Daily. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/05/080531231836.htm

News from NASA on the Phoenix Mars Lander. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/phoenix/main/index.html

The Mars Rovers, Opportunity and Spirit, have also uncovered plenty of evidence of past water on Mars, though most of it is not very spectacular. http://marsrover.nasa.gov/newsroom/pressreleases/20080215a.html