Evaluate a digital story

Task 1: Evaluate a digital story

People love to tell stories. Why do some choose to create a digital story to tell their story? Does it strengthen or weaken the power of the story?

View a range of digital stories and consider the use of photos or images, music, sound effects and voice. You can view The Story of shoes (.wmv 3MB) and others from the websites:

Use this Microsoft OneNote file (.one 110kB) to make notes on the digital stories. To identify the effects of the images, music and narration, listen to the audio without viewing the images. Then, view the images on the screen with the audio on mute. Try to work out if each audio and visual element suits the message of the digital story.

Image of a OneNote file

After you’ve analysed a range of digital stories, let’s say 5 or 6, choose one you especially liked and share your thoughts about it with your classmates and teacher.

To learn more about Microsoft OneNote, see Tools4U - Microsoft OneNote.