Exhibit your video artwork

Plan an exhibition of your work. You might invite friends and family members and other teachers and students from your school.

In your group, think about where you might exhibit your video artwork and what type of surface you will require. Make sure you consider how the projection of your work might add to its story or meaning.

Shaun Gladwell has exhibited his work in a variety of ways that add to the meaning of the work. He has projected onto:

  • the floor

  • large and small wall spaces

  • inside and outside surfaces

  • a car

  • shiny surfaces

  • smooth and textured surfaces.

Name your video artwork and write a group artist statement (.pdf 210kB).

Organise your exhibition for others to see.

Submit your video accompanied by the artwork title and the artist statement to a class blog to share with others.

  • What did you do differently when making your artwork? How effective was this?

  • How did the audience react to your work?

  • What changes could you make to improve the artwork?