Explore minutes of your life

Work in a small group to plan and later record a short performance that captures a few minutes of your life or the life of one or more of your group. The performance will be the subject for a video artwork that gives clues about the performer/s, the performance space and the way the space is used.

Complete the following steps to plan and create your performance:

Choose an activity that one or more members of your group love to do.

You might consider:

  • skateboarding, bike or scooter riding

  • basketball, soccer, or frisbee movements

  • dancing

  • reading

  • skipping with a rope

  • a choice of your own.

Talk to your teacher about your group’s choice of activity and discuss any safety issues.

Experiment with ways that group members might use equipment or complete a physical activity differently.

Perhaps you could:

  • use body parts not generally involved in the activity

  • complete the activity in a back to front way

  • ideas of your own.

Discuss what you have discovered and how you might use these ideas in your performance.

Decide who will work in front of the camera—this might be one or more group members. Decide who will work behind the camera in various roles.

Prepare the performance. Think about where and how the subject will move in the space and what they will wear.

Rehearse the performance until the group is happy with it.