Blur the lines

Blurred image of a person stepping into a corridor

The person in this photograph is blurred and partly invisible.

What mood do you think the photographer has created?

What do you think is happening?

  • Who might the person be?

  • Where might they be?

  • What could they be doing?

  • What might they have just been doing?

  • What might the person do next?

Draw a comic strip to tell the story of what is happening. Add speech bubbles with text.

Take photographs that capture the movement of a person.

Consider where the photograph will be taken and how this will add to the meaning.

Compose the photograph you will take and check that your subject will fit in the frame.

Take a photograph as your subject moves past the camera’s framed view.

Achieve a variety of blurred effects by asking the person to move at different speeds.

Take lots of photographs and select your best results.