Create a light show

Create a lightshow using torches and coloured cellophane.

Place red cellophane over the end of a torch and secure with an elastic band. Do the same with yellow and then blue cellophane.

In a darkened space experiment to see what happens when you shine each torch onto a:

  • white surface

  • red surface

  • yellow surface

  • blue surface

  • other coloured surfaces.

Discuss what you discovered.

Place red and yellow cellophane over each other on the end of a torch and secure with an elastic band. Repeat this with blue and yellow cellophane and also with blue and red cellophane.

Place two different coloured cellophanes over the end of a torch with only a small part of the cellophane pieces overlapping and secure with an elastic band. Shine the torches onto a white surface.

Discuss what you discovered.

With your teacher decide upon a piece of music that you could use as a soundtrack for a class lightshow.

Listen to and get to know the music by:

  • clapping, clicking and/or stamping to the beat of the music

  • moving your arms and hands to the music

  • talking about the features of the music.

Experiment with moving your torch to the music. Shine the torch onto a wall, a ceiling, a floor and combinations of these.

Different sections and features of the music will help the class to organise the light show. Use the music to help you decide:

  • where the torch light will be directed

  • when each class member will shine their torch

  • when one torch, groups of torches or all torches will shine

  • when there might be darkness

  • when torches might shine for longer periods of time and when they might flicker on and off

  • how the torches will be moved.

Rehearse your light show with the music.

When you are happy with the work, use a video camera, mobile phone, webcam or another type of digital video recorder to record the sound and lightshow.