Sample letter to advise parents about the school's use of the Google Guardian service:


Dear parent/guardian

I am writing to inform you of a brand new development which will enable you to sign up for daily or weekly emails giving your details about your child’s school and homework. You are probably already aware that we use Google Classroom to set work tasks for your child and this has been a very successful way of students seeing all their work tasks on their device. In many cases, the tasks can be completed on their device. Google have recently launched a new feature called Google Guardian which allows parents to sign up for daily or weekly email summaries of the Google Classroom activity. If you sign up for these emails, this will give you details of:

In order for you to sign up for this service, we will shortly email you an invitation. This invitation will only be valid for 7 days. The only requirement to set up this service is that you have a Google account. If you do not already have one, this is very easy to set up and is free. The purpose of the Google account is to allow you to set up your preferences for weekly or daily email summaries. You will not need to access your Google account again after setting your initial preferences, unless you wish to change those preferences. You do not have to have or use a Gmail (Google Mail) email address to use this service as it will work with any email address. The invitation to receive Google Guardian emails will be sent to parents and those who have parental responsibility for a child, as recorded on our school administration system. If you are the parent or have parental responsibility for a child and we do not have your email address, you will need to contact the admin office at the school. Please note that we cannot offer the Google Guardian email service to any person other than a child’s parents or other adults with parental responsibility. We hope that you will find this additional service useful. You can read more about Google Guardian email summaries here.