What is used now?

Before viewing the slide show students bring their favourite toy along to school.

Students could display their toys in various categories such as soft toys, mechanical toys, cars. Students write a short sentence about their toy to display with it.

To demonstrate the historical understanding of perspective, select a toy that two students like. Ask students to talk about the toy and why they like it.

To demonstrate the historical understanding of multiple perspectives, select a toy and then select two students—one that likes the toy and one that doesn't. Students can tell why they like or don't like the toy.

Make a class graph that shows how many toys were in each of the categories at the toy show.

When collecting data and interpreting the graph, focus on the historical understanding of perspectives. Point out to students that the toys they like to play with may not be the same as the favourite toys of other students. Focus on the differences and similarities in students' choices of their favourite toy.

Numeracy wrap: Tally the toys includes SMART Notebooks and assists students to conduct a survey to gather data, use tally marks and display data in picture graphs and column graphs. It includes activities and links to interactives. If you do not have access to SMART Notebook software you can use SMART Notebook Express.

Look at the slide show 'What is used now?'.

Read and discuss each of the descriptions and identify various elements of the text such as noun groups, pronouns, adjectives and punctuation. Allow children to make connections between their own experiences and each toy.

Encourage students to discuss: