What is used now?

Before viewing the slide show establish students' prior knowledge by discussing the types of transport found today.

Create a popplet (you will need to register and/or log in first).

Name your new popplet 'Transport today'.

Ask students to name the different ways we get around today. Type each one into a separate popple (a popplet container that holds text, images and more).

View the YouTube Popplet tutorial to see how to create a popplet, upload content, edit and share.

Discuss with your students how these forms of transport could be categorised. Categories could include:

Write each category in a separate popple. Link each form of transport to its category.

Look at the slide show 'What is used now?'.

Read and discuss each of the descriptions and identify various elements of the text such as noun groups, pronouns, adjectives and punctuation.

Allow children to make connections between their own experiences with the different modes of transport.

Talk about the types of transport shown in the slide show.

Encourage students to discuss: