How do people change?
Photographs and videos are fun to look at. They give us clues about the past. Watch and listen to Ann's story.

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Nine months old
This is me when I was nine months old. I'm wearing the bracelet that my uncle gave me when I was born and I'm holding the little blue and white furry toy rabbit given to me by my friend Richard.
Four years old
Here I am on Christmas day 1957 when I was four years old. My mum and I made the Christmas decorations for the tree. Santa Claus brought me a new doll and stroller. When you press the handle of the stroller it says 'mama'. I also got a new umbrella to shade me from the sun.
Five years old
When I was five years old I started school. Here I am with my classmates. I am sitting in the second row, fourth from the left. I have a clip in my hair. In those days we did not wear school uniforms.
Eight years old
In 1961 when I was eight years old my school held a Frolic which was an evening of fun and dancing. Each class did a circular dance on a circle marked on the floor. My class dance was about clowns and here I am in my Pierrette costume. We were very excited as our parents were coming to watch.
Fifteen years old
I attended Brownies and then Guides. In this photo I am 15 years old and have just received my Queen's guide award at a special ceremony. This is the highest award for a Girl Guide. See all the badges on my uniform. I am with my mum and dad and they are very proud of me.
Eighteen years old
Here I am all ready to go to a ball for the first time. All the girls dressed in white dresses and carried yellow flowers. I went to the ball with Ashley, my friend from school and he wore a black suit. We had a lot of fun dancing and a special supper to celebrate. I was chosen to make a speech at the supper.