Video transcript for 1910 room


Kathryn Watkins: Okay children, stand beside your desks please. You're coming to the 1910 rooms. These two rooms were built in 1910, so they're only a hundred and two years old and you might notice some things that are quite different to your classroom back at school and that is that it has no electricity. These rooms when they were built in that time had no electricity. The only way to heat the room was by the fire and to light was by natural light. In 1936 electricity was put up to these classrooms. And as you can see it does make quite a difference. Now, when you came into this room you said 'I honour my God, I serve my King, I salute the flag' because King George V was King of England when this room was built in 1910. So we're going to sing the national anthem as all Australian children did right up until the 1980s and then we changed it to 'Advance Australia Fair'. We're going to sing the national anthem which was 'God save our gracious King' in 1910.

Kathryn/Students: ‘God save our gracious King. Long live our noble King, God save the King. Send him victorious. Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the King.

Kathryn: Thank you, you maybe seated.