Video transcript for Teacher tools


Kathryn Watkins: Teachers in the old days used lots of different tools because they didn’t have any computers or photocopiers or any electricity. And one of the main tools they used was using a stamp and stamp pad. And this is a lovely old stamp of Australia that teachers would use to put directly into your workbooks. So, we would open up this very old stamp pad, you would press your stamp down onto the ink side and then onto your sheet or your book and you’d press it down and then you would have a stamp of Australia then you’d mark the states for me. Another thing teachers would use to do copies into books was a jelly pad. Now, this is jelly just like the jelly you eat only that it’s made with glycerine as well and it’s purple because I’ve done over a year of stencils on that. And when I say stencils, this is a stencil that I’ve done and I have traced a map of Australia with a bit of carbon paper and where the carbon has stuck onto the paper that’s going to stick onto our jelly. So, I’m going to press that on top of our jelly pad and that’s going to transfer over and then you’re going to get your sheet or your book, teachers would press your books directly onto your stencil. Now, teachers often had two or three of these, one’s for grammar, one for mapping and one for arithmetic and they would press it directly into your workbooks. See if this is going to work. So, you are going to get your sheet or your workbook page, put it directly onto that jelly, give it a little rub, it doesn’t have to be too hard and then we’ll pull it off and you should have a photocopy.
