What was used then?
This activity focuses on the historical understanding of continuity and change and the Historical Skill 'Analysis and use of sources'.
Before showing the slide show, make a collection of household objects from the past.
Play an observation game
Sit students in a circle and pass an object from the past around. As each student receives the object ask them to give one fact about it such as: 'I remember seeing this at my grandparent's house' or 'It is very heavy'.
If necessary prompt students with questions such as:
- What is it?
- Where have you seen one before?
- What does it look like?
- What does it smell like?
- What does it feel like?
- Who would have used it?
- When was it used?
- Why was it used?
- How was it used?
- Why do we/don't we use it today?
- How is it different today?
You could record students' comments using lino or IWB software.

Introduce the concept of using photographs as evidence or clues to the past.
View each graphic in the slide show 'What was used then?'. Read and identify various elements of the text such as noun groups, pronouns, adjectives and punctuation. Allow children to make connections between their own experiences and each object.
Talk about the objects in the slide show
Encourage students to discuss:
- what each object is made of
- who would have used it
- what it was used for
- why it was used
- the clues that tell us its age.
Discuss household objects from the past
Give students the opportunity to reflect on how household objects have changed and to use terms associated with the passing of time. Discuss:
- whether the household objects from the past are still used today
- reasons why they are, or are not, used today
- how the objects might be different today
- why they are different
- how technology has changed the object.
Students might make comments such as:
- cake pans are used today but some are made of different material
- clocks are used today but they can be powered by battery or electricity and don't need to be wound up with a key
- electric mixers are used today because they are quicker and easier to use.